The President reflects after the Champions League quarter-final game against the Amsterdam side

“It was a good game, Ajax deserved to qualify and you saw that on the pitch.” The President
Andrea Agnelli recognises the merits of tonight’s opponents, whilst also remembering that with merited pride, that despite the disappointment of elimination,

Juventus, besides being a leader of Italian football, is now a consolidated presence on the European scene: “For our part, we are aware of having been in the Champions League quarter-finals for five or six years and are proud to continue this path.

We have to make an overall assessment and remember that on Saturday we have the chance to win our eighth-consecutive Scudetto, to which we have already won a Super Cup.

We played a great return match against Atletico, and just a few years ago Juventus were 43rd in the European rankings, whilst today we are fifth and this is the sign of the progress that continues.

A few years ago, the Champions League was a dream, this summer it was a goal and it will be next year too – this means having given the team solidity.

The eleven on the field today was relatively young and can grow and will have to grow, with Allegri on the bench.

Juventus continues to grow on and off the field, we renewed the company’s leadership in October and there is great confidence in the work of Marco Re, Giorgio Ricci and Fabio Paratici and there is the awareness of having a great coach with us, with whom we will meet in June to take forward the technical project.”