League:Copa del Rey Round of 16, Game 1
Last five matches:
Real Sociedad:W D L W W
Villarreal:L L D W W
In La liga table the team Villarreal stands at position four closely followed by the team Real Sociedad at position five but they tie up points.This will be a big match as both teams are coming in this match with a good winning record from the past two matches both teams registered wins.On head to head these teams have played thirty two matches in total whereby the team Villarreal has won thirteen times and their counterparts Real Sociedad won six times and they played to a draw six thirteen times.In the last five matches the team two times and three times ended in a draw,the percentage for Villarreal to win stands at 40%.
Real Sociedad vs Villarreal: Head-to-Head Stats
Both teams have played 32 matches against each other in all the competitions. Real Sociedad has registered 6 wins, 13 draws and 13 defeats against Villarreal. Villarreal has scored 45 goals against Real Sociedad and concedes 27 goals against them.
Villarreal registered a 2-1 home win against Real Sociedad in their last meetings in the match of Club Friendly on 18th Sep, 2016.
Prediction:Real Sociedad to win or Draw